Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Ooowee, old Daffy Duck
just started some mess.
He said Bugs was a punk,
and Elmer was hittin' it.

Things got out of hand
when Fog Horn heard the news.
He told Pepe Le'pew and Scooby Doo.
Plus chimpmucks Chip and Dale.

News traveled fast across the 7 sea's
then to a distant island
where Yosemite Sam was hiding.

So he picked up his grip then took a trip
to check out what was really happening.

He docked at Toon Town about a quarter of 9:00,
and was met by Lippy The Lion.
They said hello, and walked real slow
when old Sam began to crying.

"Dang nabbit, I ain't never tried to kill that silly rabbit.
If I did he'd sure be dead.
Now show me the way to fat ass Elmer's house,
and I'll bust em, and save Bugs for last".